Get Involved

Getting involved with Operation Hope is a wonderful way to give time, talent and treasure! As an ecumenical faith-based ministry, Operation Hope brings together people from many backgrounds and denominations that share one common goal; to “be the hands and feet” in our community.

Here are some ways you can get involved with Operation Hope:


Volunteering in our thrift store and food pantry is both fun and rewarding! Resale shop volunteers assist customers, ring up purchases, put out new donations and keep the store tidy. Some of our volunteers do handiwork like painting, carpentry and lighting. Perhaps you have a special talent that could benefit Operation Hope; please fill out the application form online or stop by today!


Your donations keep “hope within reach”. Gifts of sellable clothes and home goods supply our clothing closet and shop with income. Gifts of food and toiletries supplies our pantry with goods to distribute; and monetary gifts help us buy what we need and pay the bills. You can even donate securely through our website using the “donate” button. Thank you for partnering with Operation Hope!